The Ultimate Guide: Graphic Tee and Sweatshirt Break-in and Maintenance

For Longevity, Use THIS Instead of THAT.

  • Use Cold Water Instead of Hot Water for Washing:
    To preserve graphic prints, turn clothing inside-out and wash with cold water. Hot water can cause color fading, fabric shrinkage, and damage to both the fabric and the apparel graphics.

  • Use White Vinegar Instead of Fabric Softener:
    Add half a cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle when washing your graphic apparel. Vinegar helps to break down residues and mineral deposits in the fabric, leaving it soft and fresh without affecting the graphic designs like fabric softener.

  • Use Low Heat Drying Methods Instead of Using High Heat:
    After washing, hang up the clothing to air dry naturally or tumble dry on a low heat setting. Avoid high heat, as it can cause shrinkage and damage to both the fabric and the apparel graphics.

  • Use Dryer Balls Instead of Dryer Sheets:
    Toss a few wool dryer balls or tennis balls into the dryer with your graphic apparel. This will help to naturally soften the fabric by agitating it as it dries, reducing stiffness and static cling. Traditional dryer sheets can leave a residue on fabric and potentially affect graphic designs.

Apparel Break-In

Breaking in new graphic tees and sweatshirts can transform them from stiff to soft and cozy. Here are some expert tips to help you achieve the perfect fit and feel for your new Maximum Velocity Apparel gear.

  1. Wash Before Wearing*: Some fabric can feel stiff at first due to the way it's produced. Start by washing your new graphic apparel. This not only removes any manufacturing residues but also softens the fabric, making it more comfortable to wear.

    *Use the longevity washing tips in the ‘Use THIS Instead of THAT’ list above.

  2. Wear and Move: The best way to break in new clothing is to wear them regularly. Move around, stretch, and bend to help loosen up the fabric and allow it to conform to your body shape.

  3. Massage the Fabric: Spend some time gently massaging the fabric with your hands. This can help relax the fibers and accelerate the breaking-in process, especially in areas that feel particularly stiff, such as the collar, cuffs, or seams.

  4. Stretching: To loosen up tight areas, gently stretch the fabric while it's damp after washing. Be careful not to overstretch, especially around the graphic designs, to avoid distortion.